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Georgia Emergency Medical Services Association

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2025 GEMSa Directors & Leadership Conference Sponsors

We would like to thank all our sponsors who have committed to support GEMSA and the GEMSA Directors and Leadership Conference.  Without them, our event would not be possible.  Please show them your thanks by seeking them out when you need information on their types of products or services, and make sure to visit them in our exhibit hall at the conference!

Platinum Corporate Sponsors






Gold Corporate Sponsors


Lunch sponsor

BBQ Dinner sponsor

LEADERship Conference SponsorS


leadership conference patrons


The mission of the Georgia Emergency Medical Services Association is to advocate for the emergency medical provider, develop educational programs, liaison activities, provider benefit programs, and improvements to the Emergency Medical Service System in Georgia.

Georgia EMS Association  |  PO Box 772  |  Morganton, GA 30560  | Contact us

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