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Georgia Emergency Medical Services Association

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Call for Candidates 2024

Division Presidents and At-Large Board Members

The Georgia EMS Association is seeking nominations for its Board of Directors. Below is the portion of the bylaws related to the Board of Directors and eligibility requirements to hold office.

"Any member who would be willing to serve as an Officer of a Division or a member of the Board “at large” shall notify the Chairman, in writing, within thirty (30) days after this call for candidates. " Nominations should be submitted using the link below.


A brief summary of Board duties includes, but is not limited to: 

  •   Attend Bi-Monthly Board Meetings – whether in person or virtually
  • Attending and working at the Educators and Providers Conference and Directors and Leadership Conference
  •  Participate in GEMSA sponsored events such as Awards Banquet, Leadership Program Graduation, GEMSA Board Retreats for future Goals, EMS Day at the Capital and Region EMS Banquets held within your Region if not adjoining Region.
  •  Work with designated Committees to help move GEMSA and Georgia EMS forward.  There will be assigned work with deliverable dates with the expectations you will do the work and meet the deliverable dates
  • Attend GEMSA Training Events which are held across the State of Georgia and can be accessed at any time on the website on the training calendar


During this election year the Association will be electing the following positions:

President for each Division – Term of Service 2025-2027

  • Providers Division President
  • Educators Division President
  • Directors Division President
  • Medical Directors President
Two (2) “at large” Board Members, Positions #2 and #4 - Term of Service 2025-2027

Anyone wishing to run for one of these positions should submit their name, current address, current contact numbers, and a brief work related history to include why you want to be a board member (200 words or less) electronically here:  2024 GEMSA Call For Candidates

Nominations must be received no later than 5 pm on August 16, 2024. 

Only those members who submit electronically to GEMSA agreeing to serve on the Board of Directors, and who are GEMSA active members, will be included as candidates for office.  Persons submitting nominations should include a biographical summary (200 words or less). Failure to include a bio, with your nomination, will result in the ballot being delivered to the voting members without a biographical summary.  The persons with the highest total of votes will be elected for the “at large” board positions. In the event of a tie, the sitting board will vote to break the tie.  Only current GEMSA members in good standing are allowed to vote.


Voting for the 2024 GEMSA Elections will be held electronically September 1-30.  No ballots will be mailed out, so watch for more instructions on how to vote electronically.

The mission of the Georgia Emergency Medical Services Association is to advocate for the emergency medical provider, develop educational programs, liaison activities, provider benefit programs, and improvements to the Emergency Medical Service System in Georgia.

Georgia EMS Association  |  PO Box 772  |  Morganton, GA 30560  | Contact us

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